Steps to apply for the leave for employment abroad:
- Make sure you have collected the required documents for leave application (files should be in JPG,JPEG or PDF formats and size below 1MB for each file). Details are as follows:
- CNIC Front
- CNIC Back
- PNC Front
- PNC Back
- Signed Leave Application. Write application addressing Secretary SHC&MED requesting therein for grant of 365-Days ex-Pakistan Leave without Pay / extension in 365-Days Leave
- Candidate's Photo (Passport Size)
- Signed Affidavit From Applicant. (View Sample)
- Surety Bond From Applicant signed by Applicant and witnesses, Please attach copies of CNICs of the witnesses on surety bond. (View Sample)
- First Appointment Order of Applicant in SHC&MED along with Charge Assumption Report. If your services were regularized from contract, Verified regularization order plus charge report is also required.
- Job Offer Letter from Overseas Employment (through which your employment abroad has been confirmed)
- Leave Title is not required.
- Apply for extension in leave not more than one month prior to expiry of previous leave.
- Also provide Affidavit duly attested and verified by Embassy of Pakistan in your foreign country before applying for extension in leaves. (View Sample)
- Register yourself by clicking
- When you register yourself at above portal, you will receive an email containing your temporary password.
- Login with your email and password (change password if required), click on System in menu and then on Leave Application.
- Here, you can apply for leave by filling out the performa and attaching the above mentioned documents. (Please make sure you have selected the correct health facility where you are working currently for 1st time leave and last health facility in case of leave extension. If you are working/worked at a health facility under the Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department, please select "Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department" as your "Last Office/Institute/Health Facility Name")
- If your document contains multiple pages, you can add multiple pages of document in same PDF file. You can use “online pdf merge tool” to merge multiple files in single file.
- Scan your documents with scanner or at least use a specialized app for scanning documents through your camera phone such as cam scanner or OKEN Scanner, etc.
- You can use “online pdf compression tool” to reduce size of your files.
- Click on Submit after filling out the application form completly.
- Your leave application will be submitted and you can check the status of your application on the same page at the top (before the leave application form), If your leave is not accepted, you will be able to see the remarks from the department.
- You will not be able to submit another application untill your previous application is accepted or rejected.
- When your leave is accepted and leave order is generated you will be able to download it from web orders portal
Note*: Make sure your scanned documents are clear and readable, and you are providing the accurate information. Otherwise your application will not be entertained.
Notification of Online Applications for Leave of Nurses Proceeding Abroad for Employment